The first time

Author: SomeCoupleInMA

No, not the first time we had sex, but rather, the first time we had sex in front of anyone else was about four years ago.

Searching for the Perfect Party

I, Jim, had been searching on the Internet to find swinger parties in northern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire for about a month. Not that my PC was that slow—I found stuff in seconds, actually. But for a month, I compared what seemed to be respectable groups to dingy fuck parlors. I knew a nice house party would be the best way for my wife Mary to agree to the activities I had been dreaming of for the previous decade.

There was a nice one that asked for a $50.00 "donation" at the front door. Though I can arguably have sex with my wife for no money down (and we’ll discuss that argument later if anyone is interested in the socio-familial-economics of the cost of sex with regard to married couples), the money suggested to me that "only folks that were willing to pay that much for what would otherwise cost nothing" would be attending. My first openly-snobbish thoughts on the aspects of group sex are now laid out before you.

You don’t have to have loads of money—hell, at the moment, I’m comparatively poor now that I’m back in school—but a couple’s willingness to spend fifty bucks on such an event says a combination of things: either you have worked to achieve a level of financial freedom that says you’re not a freeloader and that amount of money is no big deal (and most people in that category know how to keep themselves at least physically clean); or, if money is tight, the couple has agreed to spend this money on something that appeals to both of them (suggesting a commitment to the lifestyle); or, some of the folks attending understand that "you get what you pay for," and a cheap night of semi-public sex could present you with other problems; or, other things that are not coming to mind at the time of this writing. That was the longest sentence I think I have ever written.

Arriving at the Party

We drove for about 45 minutes, which included 10 minutes of getting lost, to the end of a cul-de-sac where the hosts’ house was hidden behind a thicket of trees. At the end of a hundred-yard driveway, the owners had apparently planned on the house’s layout for sex.

Not only was it secluded from the rest of the neighborhood, but the landscaping provided ample parking for dozens and dozens of cars in the glade to the right of the colonial-style home.

At the front door, we were greeted by the hosts and handed them fifty dollars of cash after our names were found on the "guest registry" that must have been created from "Diane’s" (one of the hosts) computer from the multiple emails that were received. We were introduced to about half of that evening’s guests as new members and were then left to mingle, partake of hors d'oeuvres, and a variety of alcoholic beverages. I stuck with a diet soda to keep my wits about me while Mary chose a wine (perhaps to calm her nerves—not really sure, as she likes wine anyway).

The Hot Tub Encounter

Soon we made our way to the back porch that opened to a wooded backyard and a hot tub that already had a half dozen naked people in it. We had been joined by another "new" couple that decided to enter the hot tub, and within a minute or two of mindless conversation, the woman had reached over and began the first sex act we witnessed that evening; she sucked her date’s/mate’s/husband’s cock. It was liberating to be able to watch this in the presence of my wife and have it appear to be a normal thing.

The Game Room

Later, we followed them or they followed us into the re-done basement that was now a game room/bar with a few bedrooms around the perimeter. We sat on the couches and had some more small talk about thoughts on the party and swinging in general, along with the obligatory what-do-you-do-for-work stuff. The conversation was nice and relaxed.

After about fifteen to twenty minutes of nice chat, we agreed to go into the bedroom and have sex with our own partners but in a way that allowed us to watch each other. It was really nice.

The Bedroom Experience

I know I should mention positions and the throngs of passion surmounted by immense orgasmic releases. But, sorry; all I’ll say is that it was nice. When we were done, we pulled the sheets from the beds as the small table sign on the nightstand requested, and replaced them with new ones that were already on the bureau stacked for the next mini orgy. The hosts have been at this for a while; the nightstand had a small basket of condoms and other sundries. It was like going to a bed-and-breakfast designed for fucking.

The End of the Evening

When the evening was coming to a close for us, we meandered through the house watching various forms of sex and got to see one woman being filled in every imaginable hole with at least a half dozen guys in line waiting to please her. All in all, a nice parting image for the night.

We wanted to go back at least a few times through the year, but "things" got in the way. Eventually, the police shut them down. Kinda sad. But, hey; where there’s a will, there’s a way. And now, there’s ST.

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