My Wife, My Buddy and I

Author: two_4_fun

My wife, Ann, was all set for an evening with her girlfriends, planning a night filled with meals and drinks. Meanwhile, I decided to catch up with my friend Tom at the casino. Ann was to pick me up later, and we planned to end our night at a hotel room. She wore a short leather skirt with a black thong, garters, and stockings, knowing well how much I adored that outfit. Her top was low-cut, complemented by a push-up bra that emphasized her stunning 36D breasts.

Casual Conversations Turn Intimate

At the casino, Tom and I relaxed with beers and card games. As the night evolved, our talk shifted to more intimate topics. Tom has never been shy about his attraction to Ann, often joking about wanting to spend a night with her. Playing along, I once showed him some risqué pictures of her, which excited him visibly.

Inspired by the alcohol and the night's anonymity, I suggested Tom feign being too drunk to go home. Given our close friendship with Tom and his wife, I thought Ann might agree to let him crash on our hotel room's pull-out bed. Tom, although apprehensive about Ann's potential reaction, agreed to the plan.

A Planned Encounter

Ann arrived and joined us at the blackjack table, sitting between Tom and me. Tom was visibly enchanted by Ann's legs, and the strategic seating allowed him excellent views. As the night progressed and Ann enjoyed her wines, she became increasingly relaxed.

When it was time to leave, I proposed that none of us were sober enough to drive. Ann agreed but was concerned for Tom, given the lack of taxis to his distant home. On the spot, I suggested Tom stay on our hide-a-bed, which took Ann by surprise but she reluctantly agreed, seeing the logic in it.

Tension Escalates in a Taxi

In the taxi, the charged atmosphere led me to caress Ann's knee, gradually moving higher up her thigh. Tom complimented her on her stockings and garters, and I encouraged him to feel how soft they were. Although surprised, Ann responded to our advances with a mix of amusement and mild rebuke. As we continued, I unbuttoned her top further, revealing more of her breasts.

A Night of Discovery

Upon reaching our hotel, we ascended the lobby's spiral staircase to our room, with playful and suggestive interactions. Once inside, we dimmed the lights, and as Ann freshened up, Tom and I set up the room, anticipating the night ahead.

After Ann returned, our interactions grew more intimate and physical. Despite some initial resistance from Ann, the night evolved into a passionate exploration of desires and boundaries.

Reflection and Future Possibilities

After the intense experiences of the night, Tom expressed profound gratitude, amazed by how the events unfolded. Ann, now in her chamise and stockings, reflected on the evening's developments with a complex mix of emotions. The encounter opened up new possibilities in our relationship, hinting at future adventures that might even involve others, like Tom's wife.

As we dealt with the aftermath and navigated through our feelings, Ann and I embraced the changes and challenges, finding new depths in our relationship and the unpredictable nature of our desires.

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