afternoon delite

Author: padpusher2

I and a couple of workmates decided to take a break and headed to a friend's house. Upon entering, I immediately noticed a couple having sex in the first bedroom to my left. She was lovely and completely naked, moaning with pleasure.

Watching and Joining In

We opened some beers and proceeded to watch them fuck. One of my work partners decided to join in and approached the bed with his penis out. She eagerly started to suck him off while continuing to fuck her partner.

An Unexpected Turn

Later, we all sat around with our beers and this naked woman. I then walked her to another bed and inserted my cock into her mouth. She was sucking and holding my balls. Suddenly, she went wild, and I realized my workmate was behind me, fucking her. It was a sensation I had never experienced before—both of us having sex with the same woman was exhilarating.

A Shared Experience

She loved every moment of it, and we had a fantastic afternoon. She couldn't get enough, and her blowjob skills were incredible. After that, my friends and I had many great times together. I also discovered how much I enjoyed sucking cock. Just thinking about it makes me hard, and I hope to have more experiences like that soon.

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