A Night At The Movies

Author: Magnet1231

Shawn arrived right on time for our date night, a silk blindfold in hand. He explained that he had a special surprise and didn’t want me to guess our destination prematurely. Intrigued and blindfolded, I felt a mix of excitement and curiosity as the car weaved through the streets.

Unexpected Destination

Finally, the vehicle stopped and Shawn's lips gently pressed against my neck as he removed the blindfold. My eyes adjusted to the sight of an adult toy store—something I had secretly wanted to explore. Contrary to Shawn's expectation that he might have to persuade me, I admitted eagerly that I’d always been curious about such places.

Exploration and Discovery

We entered the store, and I wandered through the aisles, fascinated by the array of products. Choosing a vibrant vibrator, I approached Shawn, excitement clear in my voice as I suggested we buy it. He watched, amused and intrigued by my enthusiasm.

An Adventurous Turn

As we were about to leave, I noticed a man entering an attached movie theater. Spontaneously, I bought tickets and led Shawn inside, the dim, flickering lights setting an alluring mood. In the privacy of the darkened room, I began to caress him through his pants, slowly escalating my actions as he relaxed into the experience.

Heightened Sensations

Finding him without underwear, I freed him completely, alternating between using my hands and mouth. The thrill of our semi-public setting enhanced every sensation. As I pleasured him, I was overwhelmed by my own arousal, driven to seek relief alongside him.

Climactic Moments

As Shawn approached his climax, I intensified my efforts, eagerly anticipating the moment. His response was explosive, a testament to the charged atmosphere and our mutual excitement. In the afterglow, I suggested we return home to continue our exploration with the new vibrator, eager for more intimate adventures.

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