Couple in Des Moines, IA

Thank you for checking out this profile! If you like our profile, please message us about your interests; thank you. We're pleased to have the opportunity to be a part of your life, regardless of who you are. We value friendships and conversations on nearly every topic. We hope you consider becoming our friends first with the possibility of intimacy, regardless of when the reality of intimacy presents itself. We understand we're not for everyone, and everyone is not for us. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. We've been happily married for four years, together for seven years, and best friends since ; hence, we're lovers and soulmates. We're a loving, respectful, non-pushy, non-judgmental, outgoing, and authentic couple. We're D/D free, friendly, COVID- vaccinated, and reproductively impaired. We enjoy small forms of recreation: socializing, quiet dinners, BBQs, camping, card and board games, etc. He has been a polyamorous swinger for + years. During the lifestyle's early years, he was a Polycule (FMF) member with his first wife. He experienced several house and club parties and meet-and-greets. He has several remaining fantasies that he wishes to be fulfilled. However, due to countless hardships within the lifestyle, she decided to opt out of extra activities for the foreseeable future.

Her Fantasy She has hidden fantasies. She doesn't talk about them, but they may become known and explored with the right couple. His Fantasy Although he has several fantasies, he would love to participate in a gang bang, sex train, and experience a hotwife.

We're looking for friends, pure and simple—a couple to hang out with on the weekends. We're not asking for much, only those with similar interests and characteristics. We're not out for sex, as that is not the priority, although we're open to it with the right couple. Lastly, having friends is always better than nothing at all.

We're here if you want us... If you like our profile, please message us about your interests; thank you.

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