Couple in brooksville, flori

Complete and total newbies looking to explore, meet and create friendships, and have sexy fun in the process.

We like being watched and we definitely like watching. Sexy talk after get'n better acquainted is awesome, fun, and opens the door to great experiences. Let's chat, get to know one another, and build from there...馃槑.

馃槑馃尰 We would like to meet people without the expectations of jumping into anything right away. Couples only and would like both present... mainly, please have patience since this is all new to us. He is straight, and so is she. However, comfort...with the right people, in the right environment, and a few drinks may cause some curiosity for her to explore, but again... no expectations.

馃槑 To the males, please be respectful. We welcome witty flirting, sexy innuendos, and fun expectations. Don't come across dirty and nasty as your initial introduction to us. Keep it somewhat classy and it may build clear expectations, excitement, and anticipation, which can lead to a great experience. One more thing... when we chat and you see 馃槑 = me, the male of this relationship. When you see馃尰 in the chat = the female. This is so you know who is responding, and let's you know who you're chatting with. With that said... keep it sexy!!!.

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