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In Harrisburg area, but can travel. Tall dark hair, dark eyes, bigger guy, I have been told I can look intimidating...but I'm just the opposite. Professional career and comfortable at a formal event as I am in the woods. Easy to get along with, no issues with anyone's hard stops/no. Highly sensual and sexual to my partner and her needs. Great conversationalist and listener.

-Same room sex -mfmf no swap, females touching, sex in the same bed. -Novice experience with restraints, blindfolds, whips, spanking, exotic massages, nipple play.

Meet like minded people for ongoing fun. Her needs first unless something is planned ahead.

I am easy-going, teddy bear type but don't look it. I know it takes conversions, trust and time. I am fine with being friends in/out of the lifestyle or just a one time thing.

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