Representing Eastern Iowa

Hello everyone! My wife and I are brand new to the swing scene. We made the decision to open our marriage to polyamory not too long ago and have decided to go at it separately for the time being. Therefore, any relationships I may find on here will only involve myself. We do plan to be in Galesberg for a party in late July, and are open to hear about other parties in the Eastern Iowa/Western Illinois area. So who am I? Well...I'm 44 years old and am a graduate of the University of Iowa with a BA in Communications, mainly media studies. I am very much a fan of the Hawkeyes as well as all professional sports. If I were pressed to name some favorite teams I would say any from Chicago (where I lived most of my life) and Las Vegas (it would be Oakland, but all those teams have or will be moving to Vegas). I'm always up for a good movie or to get lost in a fascinating television show. You can also find me at the casino on occasion, especially Ballys since they have poker. If you would like to know anything more about me please feel free to ask!.

I am currently looking for ladies would be interested in some of the same things as I am. Though I am not opposed to ONS, I would also like to get to know the folks that are interested in me and become good friends with them. I feel that would make our playtime more meaningful.

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