Rhode Island Parties List

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Rhode Island Parties List

Discover upcoming local swingers parties, events, and meetups near you. An exclusive platform for open-minded adults to connect and explore.

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Join Mandy & Terrance from Highly Sexy Socials as they celebrate all curves on Friday nights at the Playground with all their sexy friends and guests. The party starts at 9 pm and goes until 2... (see more)
Join Mandy & Terrance from Highly Sexy Socials for Playground's Annual Sexy St.Patrick's Day party! Come wearing the green and be entered into a drawing! We will be giving a gift basket for the b... (see more)
TGIF! Let the weekend begin.. now don't be shy come out and be ready to mingle, this party is all about meeting new people and kicking off the weekend right at the Playground! This event begins... (see more)
It's not a party with out Fishnet's and Glow Stick's .. Join us for our Neon Party.. Get ready to shake and show off them sexy moves under the fun lights.. Text Lee and Bibi 413.337.9464 for... (see more)

  • We have been members of Swingtowns for almost a year now. We have communicated with multiple couples and everyone is always respectful and friendly. We will continue to be members of Swingtowns and find new couples and friends to share our experiences with.

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