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British Columbia Parties List

Discover upcoming local swingers parties, events, and meetups near you. An exclusive platform for open-minded adults to connect and explore.

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***Cost to attend*** $90/person Vancouver we're baaaaaack!!!!! Mark your calendar, save the date, grab tickets quick before they sell out!! Ever wished you could go back and do High... (see more)
Preamble – read before you RSVP: This invite is sent to all those "SwingTowns" the "SITE" believes may be a match to us in the local geographic area plus our mutual likes list. It has not... (see more)

  • We have been members of Swingtowns for almost a year now. We have communicated with multiple couples and everyone is always respectful and friendly. We will continue to be members of Swingtowns and find new couples and friends to share our experiences with.

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