Private Masquerade Parties

Private Masquerade Parties is a swingers club in Los Angeles California.

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Private Masquerade Parties

Private Masquerade Parties is a swingers club in Los Angeles California.

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We're reinventing the swingers club. Our club is for open-minded romantic partners who enjoy exploring their fantasies and indulging their passionate desires while being surrounded by an intimate, comfortable, and discreet setting.

Our club is for open-minded romantic partners who enjoy exploring their fantasies and indulging their passionate desires while being surrounded by an intimate, comfortable, and discreet setting.

We require men to wear a suitable tuxedo with a bowtie or overcoat with dark jeans, while women should be elegantly dressed in evening wear or lingerie. We welcome intelligent and charming single men and women, who may attend at if accepted to our guest list.

To maintain a safe environment, our members are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and show respect to one another. Our golden rule is consent. Before we touch, we always inquire first. Anyone who violates this will be banned permanently from the club.
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  • We have been members of Swingtowns for almost a year now. We have communicated with multiple couples and everyone is always respectful and friendly. We will continue to be members of Swingtowns and find new couples and friends to share our experiences with.

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