3 Ways to Spice Up Holidays

Author: mandi_in_fl

Swing Into the Holidays - 3 Ways To Spice Up the Holidays

With Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, we tend to focus on our family and friends. Some people report they feel very unhappy during the holidays. They even have a term "Holiday Blues." As a Sex Coach, I always remind my clients not to forget about their significant other. Maybe your New Years resolution is going to be, building a deeper more intimate relationship with your spouse. Maybe you are going to start the New Year off with a trip to a local swing club. No matter what your goal is, be sure to read this weeks letters from readers asking for advice on spicing up their relationship.

75% of married men reported that a healthy, active sex life is extremely important to them, yet only 25% reported they feel they have a healthy, active sex life. This leads me to think that there is room for improvement in the bedroom.

After coaching hundreds of men, women and couples, I have found the following 5 pointers the best advice for a couple in need of a tune up.

1) Let your man know you find him attractive, flirt with him, don't be afraid to let him know you still find him sexy, even in front of his friends.

2) Lust for your husband. Let him know you enjoy life and want to experience all life has to offer. Starting tomorrow, get excited about life, sports, hobbies and of course sex. Don't be afraid to tell him you are ready to let go and get crazy. Be thrilled to talk about sex, like you would talk about skydiving minutes after landing, your heart would be racing, your adrenaline would be flowing.

3) Dress for success in the bedroom. High heels, lace, lingerie and stockings. Next time you take him out for a night on the town, wear something provocative, show some cleavage, and leave the panties at home. This will turn on most men, including your husband.

4) Make sure you communicate with your partner. Let him know what feels good and what does not. Don't be afraid to moan and scream. Most women forget to let their husband know he is turning them on. So next time, let him know loud and clear.

5) Don't forget oral sex. Men love to receive oral sex, men want a women who desires their manhood. Don't perform like it is your duty, instead think of it as the key to a happy, healthy relationship.

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Note: Anyone can write a swingers story on SwingTowns. You’ll find swinger stories by independent writers from around the globe. Posting any content of this page without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.

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