Why I Cant Get Enough :My First

Author: limp

I recently moved to a new city, started a new job, and met many new people. I felt very insecure and lonely. About two months ago, I met Alex and Annie through a mutual friend. Alex is very nice looking, with brown eyes and dark black hair. I was attracted to him right away, as most women are, but his wife Annie sort of intimidated me. Annie is a gorgeous blonde, the type that guys pant over and get stiff dicks for. She's really tall, about five foot ten, with blonde hair. She is (36-24-35) and in really good shape. She has a nice tan that makes her blue eyes stand out.

Dinner and Drinks

We went to dinner with our mutual friend. The friend and I were just platonic. Just after we were seated for dinner, Annie and I excused ourselves to the "powder room". The wine we'd been drinking had run its course, and we needed to freshen up. When I came out of the stall, Annie was combing her hair in front of the mirror while I checked my makeup. I saw her eyeing me in the mirror, giving me an up-and-down look. It made me feel pretty good, thinking she saw me as a potential rival (not that I'd try to take a married guy from his wife).

In the Powder Room

I'm not bad looking. I'm five foot four with light brown hair, brown eyes (that guys say are very sexy "bedroom" eyes), and I'm proud of my figure (34C-22-34), although sometimes I wish my breasts were larger. I was wearing a light, slinky dress that showed my cleavage. It was green and black, my favorite colors, and it came down just above my knees. Annie wore a pure black dress that was not only see-through but also accentuated her cleavage, hips, and long legs with a high slit on one side.

Annie said, "I'm jealous. Alex keeps looking at you and undressing you with his eyes." I looked at her, not sure what to say, but I giggled a bit. I had noticed Alex eyeing me a lot, but I figured he was just enjoying my legs. I told her that Alex was probably just fantasizing about having us both (most men seem to have a fantasy about two women). Annie stopped combing her hair and looked at me with an impish look in her eye.

"Have you ever done that?" she asked. I blushed, thinking of one time I had, and told her yes. It was several years ago with my boyfriend and my best girlfriend. Annie wanted the details, but I stammered, saying it was a long story. She said I'd have to tell her about it some other time, but she had also had that fantasy and wanted to know how it felt. When she said that, I could feel myself start to get wet thinking about her and Alex in bed and her fantasizing about another woman with them.

A Bold Move

Annie started to adjust her clothes a bit and then asked me to check her bra strap, thinking it was coming loose. I stood behind her and unzipped the back of her dress. My hands shook slightly as I reached to re-hook one of the three hooks that had come loose. I felt her stiffen as my fingers touched her bare skin, and little electric shocks raced through me, making my pussy feel even wetter. I hooked her bra, and Annie suddenly leaned back. I thought she was fainting and caught her with my hands on her sides, just below her large breasts. She breathed heavily and turned around, a needy look in her eyes. She reached out and squeezed my left breast in her hand, and both of us moaned slightly. My pussy was really wet, and I was a bit scared that she'd want to do me right in the restroom.

"You're so beautiful," she whispered. My knees were weak, and I finally told her that we needed to get back, half afraid she'd ignore me, half afraid she wouldn't. She took a deep breath and said, "You're right." We straightened ourselves up and headed for the door. Annie stopped and said, "If we can get rid of David, would you like to come over to our place tonight?" I stopped, stunned at her boldness, and heard myself answer, "Yes, and maybe your fantasy will come true." Did I really say that? What had come over me? Maybe it was the wine, or was it?

Back at the Table

Annie gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and we rejoined the guys at the table. Before I go on, let me explain that while I'd been to bed with my boyfriend and my best girlfriend, I'd never made love to another woman. My best friend and I shared my boyfriend, not each other. I wondered about it afterward because every time our bodies had touched or brushed each other, I felt so incredibly sexy. I've seen porno movies with girls doing girls, and it doesn't turn me off; it excites men with the "nastiness" of it. But then, I was raised by very religious parents, and at 25, I'd finally gotten over feeling guilty about enjoying sex. I'd also found that I enjoyed teasing my boyfriend by dressing and exposing my tits or pussy, like a tank top pulled down so my tits were exposed. But I'd never been with another woman, and I wondered about Annie's bold squeeze of my breast. Sitting at the table, every time I saw her cleavage, I could feel my pussy throb.

A New Invitation

Anyway, we left the restaurant, and Annie asked David if it was alright if I went with them, as Annie wanted to show me her artwork (Annie was an artist for a big company, but she loved to paint at home too). David said he didn't mind, and I thanked him for introducing me to Annie and Alex. Alex said that he and Annie would take me home. David left, and I got into the car with Alex and Annie, sitting in the middle at Annie's insistence. While we drove through the darkness to their house, Annie's dress had slid up on her legs, and her left thigh was very exposed by the slit of her dress. Alex was looking left as he turned, and Annie took my right hand and placed it on her thigh. I could feel her warm skin through her pantyhose, and I felt a sort of electric shock. I looked at her, and she was watching my face too. Alex was distracted, talking about how well Annie painted and trying to merge onto the freeway at the same time. The wine had loosened my inhibitions, and I slid my hand under Annie's dress and touched her pussy. I felt her hips rise against my hand, and I found that she was so wet she'd almost soaked her pantyhose! I looked at Alex just in time. He looked at me and asked me if I liked hot tubs.

"Sure," I said. He didn't see my hand under Annie's dress in the darkness, and he paid more attention to his driving. I removed my hand and looked at Annie. Her eyes were wide, and she was breathing very deeply. Her slick moistness was on my fingers, and I told her I'd love to look at her paintings before we hit the hot tubs. While she answered, I raised my fingers to my mouth and licked her honey from my fingers. Her eyes were riveted on my lips, and I smiled. Alex, of course, wasn't watching, so he didn't know what we were doing.

At Their House

They had a lovely two-story house in a new area just outside of town. Alex said he'd pour some more wine and went to the kitchen. Annie led me by the hand upstairs to her "studio". Once there, with Alex making noises downstairs, Annie pulled me to her and kissed me passionately on the mouth. Her tongue slid past my parted lips and found mine. Her body seemed to burn against me; her hands cupped my behind, fondling them eagerly. I could feel my panties were so wet, and my tongue followed hers into her mouth. We kept this up until we heard Alex coming up the stairs.

Alex passed out some rather large glasses of white wine, and we sipped and looked at Annie's art. She was really a good artist. Some of her works were landscapes, but most were of people. Alex opened a closet door and pulled out what he called his "favorite painting". Annie blushed a bit and said that Alex was biased. Alex turned the painting around, and I looked at a self-portrait of Annie, standing nude, her long blonde hair pulled up by her hands behind her head. It was a stunning piece of work. I looked at her large breasts and nipples and her very blonde pussy. Her legs were gorgeous and trim too. My pussy never felt so wet. I looked at Annie and said she was so beautiful. She blushed and told Alex to show her the other one. This was a full-length nude of Alex with a tremendous erection. I whistled and told Alex he made a very good model.

Hot Tub Time

"Annie had to keep me hard while she painted that. And it took her three days!" We all laughed, and Annie blushed slightly. Why was she embarrassed? I felt like she should be proud of her beautiful body. We talked about painting and, of course, sex for a while. Then Annie suggested we take a dip in the hot tub. I was ready, the wine already relaxing me and making me feel a bit wild. Annie explained that she and Alex never wore suits in the hot tub, but I was welcome to wear one of hers (if it would fit, that is). We let Alex go into the tub first while I said I'd like to try on one of Annie's suits.
Alex went downstairs and undressed by the tub while we went into the master bedroom.
Annie opened a drawer and told me to look through her suits and see if anything would fit.

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