Surprise 3 way

Author: smoke4ya

Not long ago, while I was at my girlfriend's house, my cell phone rang, breaking the calm. It was my best friend, speaking in a hushed tone. Before I could respond, he urgently asked my location. After I told him, he quickly instructed me to concoct an excuse to leave and join him. He revealed that a mutual friend, a stunning state trooper, was at his place, expressing curiosity about experiencing a threesome.

Quick Departure

I told my girlfriend that my friend's car had broken down across town and he needed my assistance. She believed the story, and I left, filled with anticipation about the unfolding scenario. As I drove, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be intimate with our attractive friend, something I had never experienced before.

Surprise Entry

Upon arrival, I found the front door unlocked as promised. I silently made my way to the bedroom where the sounds of intimacy grew louder. As I entered, I saw our friend's back to me while she was engaged with my friend. Stealthily, I approached and began to gently explore her, initially startling her. However, she quickly recovered and responded eagerly as I focused on her large clit, eliciting deep moans that resonated through the room.

Heightened Pleasures

My friend then whispered that she also enjoyed anal play. With excitement mounting, I prepared to engage her further. I positioned myself behind her, teasing and lubricating her with my pre-cum before gently pressing in. She gradually adapted to the sensation, allowing me to slowly increase my pace as we found our rhythm together.

Dual Stimulation Climax

We adjusted our positions so my friend could simultaneously engage her more directly. The combination of dual stimulation sent her into waves of intense pleasure, her body reacting vigorously with each orgasm. Though we never had another opportunity like this, the memory of that night remains vivid—a testament to a spontaneous and exhilarating encounter.

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