
Author: TheCowboy59

It was a crisp Sunday afternoon, and my friends and I had gathered to watch the big football game. As we settled in with snacks and drinks, my wife approached me, asking for some extra money. I saw an opportunity for a bit of fun and proposed a deal: if she performed a striptease for us during halftime, she would earn $100.

Halftime Anticipation

Initially, she was hesitant and shy, but the promise of extra cash seemed to intrigue her. The anticipation built as the game progressed, and finally, halftime arrived. We quickly closed the drapes, turned off the TV, and put on some music to set the mood. The room was filled with an air of excitement and curiosity.

The Striptease Begins

My wife stepped out, visibly nervous and embarrassed, but determined to go through with it. She started swaying to the music, her movements tentative at first. Slowly, she began unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her lacy bra. The guys’ faces lit up with smiles, which seemed to encourage her.

Growing Confidence

As her confidence grew, so did the intensity of her dance. She moved around the room with newfound boldness, twirling and teasing. Piece by piece, her clothing fell to the floor until she was left wearing nothing but high heels and a radiant smile. The sight of her uninhibited performance was incredibly arousing.

Passion Unleashed

Unable to contain my desire any longer, I took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. There, I made love to her with a passion and intensity I had never felt before. Her moans and screams of pleasure filled the room, and for a moment, I thought my friends might come in. Part of me wondered what it would be like to see her with them, but they respected our privacy.

Aftermath and Reward

Afterwards, I returned to the living room, caught up on the game, and handed my wife her well-earned tip. The experience left us both exhilarated and closer than ever.

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