Players Bar

Author: curtnstef

As a bartender at a local bar that predominantly served a male clientele, I was quite familiar with the regulars—none of whom intrigued me romantically, especially given my marital status. However, everything changed on a chilly evening in October, precisely at 6:08 PM, when she entered. Her presence was electrifying; her form accentuated by the cold, making her particularly striking. Every man in the venue turned, captivated by her as she sauntered past with a confident, almost intoxicating aura.

A Stunning Revelation

She was breathtakingly exquisite—a beauty like I'd never witnessed before. Approaching the bar, she ordered a Jose Cuervo on the rocks, which amusingly was also my husband's favorite drink. I remarked on the coincidence, noting humorously that it served as a sort of liquid Viagra for him. She winked, mentioning it had a similar effect on her, and I instantly knew she was someone who would leave with a companion that night.

Turmoil and Temptation

My thoughts began to drift into fantasies, though I quickly snapped back to reality, reminding myself firmly of my orientation and marital fidelity. Despite this, her flirtatious mannerisms toward me were unmistakable, stirring unfamiliar feelings within me. As these thoughts overwhelmed me, I excused myself to the restroom to collect my thoughts.

A Passionate Exchange

In the restroom, the door suddenly opened; I knew it had to be her, the only other woman in the bar. My heart raced as she entered my stall. She reached out, her touch electric as she caressed me, sparking an unexpected reaction. Overwhelmed by her forwardness and my own response, I found myself reciprocating with an intensity I hadn't anticipated.

Return to Reality

Despite the passion, a part of me recognized the need to maintain professionalism. I reluctantly excused myself, returning to my duties behind the bar, though distracted by the evening's unexpected encounter. The rest of the night, my mind was a whirl of emotions and physical sensations, barely able to focus until she left.

Homecoming and Revelations

Closing time couldn't come fast enough, and as soon as I reached home, the scent and memory of her enveloped me. To my shock, there she was with my husband, an image as startling as it was arousing. Watching them, I was drawn into the fervor, the three of us entangled in a night of passionate exploration that blurred the lines of fantasy and reality.

A Lingering Fantasy

She vanished before morning, leaving us with only memories and a shared fantasy that fueled our intimacy thereafter. The experience, though fleeting, was profoundly transformative, forever altering our marital dynamics and fantasies.

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