Our black friends

Author: kenbev40

Ken and I had forged a close friendship with a couple we met online from Chicago. They were not just friends but intimate partners in our playful escapades. Over the years, we shared countless weekends filled with dress-up games, delightful meals, and songs that echoed through our gatherings. These weekends were a cherished escape from their ordinary lives, and each moment spent together strengthened our bond.

Lost Connections and Fond Memories

Unfortunately, financial troubles clouded our lives, leading to an unintentional drift between us. The absence of their vibrant presence left a void that was hard to ignore. I find myself often reminiscing about the joyous times we spent together.

Vivid Recollections

I vividly remember her—the way she transformed with each costume during our dress-up games, each outfit accentuating her beauty in new and exciting ways. Her laughter would fill the room, as infectious as the music we danced to late into the night. But what I miss the most is the intimacy we shared. Her femininity was a radiant glow, a shine that underscored her every move, making her irresistibly attractive.

Universal Beauty

Her allure went beyond the physical; it was her spirit, the joyful way she embraced her femininity that captivated me the most. It’s a reminder of the profound truth that all women possess this intrinsic beauty, regardless of color—be it black, white, or purple. It’s there, shimmering just beneath the surface, in the girl within waiting to be seen and celebrated.

A Nostalgic Longing

Now, as I walk through life’s more mundane moments, I can't help but yearn for another weekend away, another chance to reconnect not just with them but with the part of myself that flourishes in their company. Their memory, a blend of sweet intimacy and vibrant celebration, continues to inspire and sustain me.

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