One Biker Three Babes

Author: y650Bubba

Any biker will tell you that at a biker's party, the ratio is typically ten guys for every woman. Now, to get to my story: it was fall, the last big party of the year. We, the *********** MC, were dressing a deer that had fallen in our front yard. We had a couple of kegs tapped and a cooker full of coals.

The Setup

It was Saturday night, and most of the members were drunk. The clubhouse was warm, and I was outside getting the meat on the spit so it could cook overnight. I worked midnights, so I had been sleeping most of the day. After getting everything done, I had to feed the fire slowly, burn a joint or two, and see if there was any soft, juicy stuff that wasn’t chained to her old man.

The Encounter

Much to my surprise, one of the strikers had brought a new face tonight. He was out like a light, so I told her club rules: if your guy is out, you have to go with one of the full members. She fell for the line and followed me outside. I lit up a doobie, took a hit, passed it to her, and told her to keep it going until I was ready for another hit. I let her finish it, then asked if she would rather do one guy or pull a train. She had heard all the stories about bikers, so she said she would do anything I asked.

The Initiation

I told her to move into the light so I could check her out. I was pleasantly surprised to find she was clean, sweet-smelling, with just a hint of powder left on her. I had her leave her panties off and wrap a blanket around her. Inside the clubhouse was an old lady who had been through about four guys; she was a great cum dump. I had her come out to the cooking fire. I introduced the two women, lit up another doobie, and we partied a bit.

The Show

Afterward, I told Sweetthing to watch carefully. I had Norma (the cum dump) get her tits out so I could play with them and start giving me head right in front of Sweetthing. I asked Sweetthing to come over and watch real close because she was going to finish me. She came over, and she was watching very closely. I told her to lose the blanket, fold it, and put it on the ground flat. She did. I had Norma stop, then I walked over to Sweet and tested her pussy with a finger—it was juicy. I asked if she had ever sucked cock before; she said a couple of times, but not all the way in like Norma was doing. I told Norma to wait until Sweet was busy on my cock, then start eating her pussy.

The Surprise

I lay down on my back on the blanket, took my jeans off, spread my legs, and had Sweet start. She was okay for a beginner, but after reminding her that there were six guys to go if I wasn’t satisfied, she really started doing a great job. Then Norma licked her pussy. First, she stopped, then she moaned, then she started sucking and moaning, jerking her ass way up in the air.

The Interruption

That’s when my old lady came around the corner. I was caught. I was thinking of every excuse in the book but couldn’t think of a thing to say. My cock died right in Sweet’s mouth. I had seen my old lady mad at a woman once; she chased her three blocks with a knife. Now she was standing right next to three or four on the table. I just went limp. Sweet was too close to orgasm to even notice; she just made a weird chugging sound and laid down, and Norma was busy working her own pussy to worry about me.

The Consequence

My old lady walked over, picked up a knife, and said, “Use it or lose it—Norma, come over here. He wants to finish you.” I couldn’t get it up, so my old lady said, “Okay, asshole, if you can’t fill the hole, then suck it dry.” I had to bury my face in that stinky, rubbery twat that looked like red playdough and suck up all the old juice left there from God knows who/what. But I felt that knife on my bare balls, so I licked until it was dry and clean.

The Climax

Then she asked Sweetthing if she wanted me to do anything. She said she wanted to see me shoot a wad on the blanket. My old lady told me to lay down on my back, then she put her hot pussy on my face and told me to start jerking off until she told me to quit. I started eating pussy and stroking my cock. The old lady was really getting hot. Then I felt a hot mouth on my cock, and I didn’t care whose it was—I was going to explode. Then my old lady jerked and sighed. I exploded in Sweet’s mouth, and she swallowed her first load.

My old lady finally put the knife down, and Sweet went home with us.

That’s my story.


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