going away gift

Author: tkbkmoh

My wife and I had been talking about swinging with our neighbors/best freinds for a while. We joked about it while out with them but never did anything. They were getting ready to move out of town and we decided to go out for a dinner. During dinner and wine we were joking more and more, we ended up going back to their house after dinner. At their house my neighbors wife and I came cleand that we went streaking down the street one late night after the fire pit. Both my wife and her husband seemed excited, they kept asking what we thought of each other nude...I went up to grab a beer and our Shannon (neighbors wife) ran upstair for something or other. When we came down my wife was nude kneeling in from of Jack (neighbor) giving him head. They said "hey you two have seen each other". Thats was all shannon and I needed; she could not get my pants down fast enough! We all ended up on the floor by the bar in the basement, Shannon and Janet, me and Bob and Shannon...just about everything. After about 3 hours we fell asleep on the carpet, woke up the next morning and continued till noon the next day. After was all said and done we were all sorry we never did this sooner...Can't wait for the trips to Chicago!

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