A Ride Through The Desert!

Author: WritingCouple

Driving in our little red sports car has always been a favorite of ours, even on long trips. Have you ever done something just for the pure fun of it, something truly crazy that you and everyone involved would remember forever? Well, we have!

Our Nudist Lifestyle

We’re an average-looking couple of average-plus build, I suppose. But what doesn't make us average is the fact that we’re NUDISTS! We love to sunbathe nude and visit nudist resorts and clubs across the country on our vacations. Even in non-nude situations, we don't mind if people occasionally catch us nude—such as sunbathing along a deserted river patch or elsewhere. I suppose we could even be called exhibitionists, of a sort. And, frankly, I have always enjoyed the feeling I get when I catch someone eyeing my wife’s body. She has never minded being watched either! It’s fun when strangers find us attractive or worth watching. In fact, sometimes, we have really gotten off on being watched and caught! However, if we can turn this into a good joke as well, then so much the better!

A Desert Journey

Last summer, we were on a trip from Arizona to Nevada to California in our convertible. Hot? Yes, of course! But we didn’t mind, as we were used to a hot desert climate. Plus, air conditioning is rather useless in a convertible! There is always a trade-off for style and comfort, isn’t there? But, being nudists, we tend not to wear much clothing even when we have to! Shorts and tank/tube tops are usually the dress of the day when we are on vacation.

This vacation, we were driving along the lonely stretch of highway between Las Vegas and Baker with miles and miles of nothing but hot pavement to see or enjoy. Of course, this always leads to boredom and tedious driving! My wife was reading a book as we drove, but at one point, she announced, “The sun feels really good! You know, I think I’ll work on my tan! You don’t mind if I nude sunbathe, do you?”

Spontaneous Sunbathing

Without waiting for my answer, she quickly pulled off her tube top and slid her jogging shorts to the floor. I didn’t mind; I always enjoyed viewing my wife’s sexy body! Being a nudist, she already had a lovely tan, but in this hot climate, she might as well be as comfortable as possible. Besides, in the past, I found that her getting naked in the front seat of the car usually led to other activities as well. The feeling of the sun on her skin and the wind blowing through her neatly trimmed pubes always left her hot and horny and wanting some oral action while we drove! Today, however, was going to be a little different. It wasn’t a blowjob that would result from her nude sunbathing!

She went back to her reading while I drove. Little droplets of sweat glistened in the sunlight across her breasts and brown nipples. Even though we had been married for quite some time, just looking at her doing something as simple as sunbathing could make me hard! Soon, however, I started up a long incline and noticed a large truck and trailer slowing down in the lane ahead of us. “There’s a truck up ahead. I’m going to have to pass him! Do you want to pull on your clothes?”

Passing the Truck

“No,” she said nonchalantly. “I’m a nudist. What do I care if someone sees me naked or not?” I pulled over into the passing lane and slowly overtook the truck. We both couldn’t help but look up at the truck cab window to see if the driver noticed that my wife was nude. He had, and so did his partner riding with him. The driver’s passenger practically climbed into the driver’s lap to take a look, in fact. Both men grinned and waved at us, and my wife grinned and waved back, feeling at first a tiny bit embarrassed but still rather excited by what had just happened! She was used to strangers seeing her taught, naked body at nudist resorts, clubs, and lifestyle conventions. She had even purposely flashed a few for fun, but this was a bit different for her—her naked body being viewed as entertainment and titillation for two total strangers!

She waved again at the old boys, and we sped around the truck, with them giving us a double horn blow in the process. “You made their day,” I joked as I pulled around the truck. However, I then noticed that there was another truck similar to the last one just up the hill a quarter mile or so, and it seemed to be from the same trucking line! “I’ll bet these two trucks are traveling together,” I mused. “And you can bet that the driver of the first truck is on the radio to the driver of this one!” Sure enough, even though the truck was struggling to get uphill, it hit its brakes for some reason, forcing us to speed up to it.

The Plan

“I think you’re right,” my wife grinned, knowing that her nakedness had stirred up some interest other than mine on the road.

“Do you want to have a little fun?” I devilishly grinned. I had a reputation for bad jokes, and I could easily and quickly visualize one here! My wife looked at me a bit puzzled. “Put your shorts and top back on and go back to reading.” She wasn’t quite sure at that point what I had in mind, but she slipped back on her clothing. I pulled over into the turn lane again and slowly passed the second truck. As expected, the driver and his passenger were both fighting to look out the driver’s window down at our car for some reason! “See,” I said grinning, “I told you that the first truck would be telling this one about the naked lady in the red sports car!”

My wife pretended to read her book and tried not to notice the driver and his partner’s disappointed looks. The driver looked a bit more angry than disappointed, however! We approached the crest of the hill and pulled over in front of the truck. Within moments, however, before it quickly pulled around and passed us, nobody bothered to even look out of the passenger’s window this time! I could see in the mirror that the first truck was rapidly approaching in the fast lane as well! “Ok,” I laughed, “take them off again!” My wife quickly slid down both her tube top and shorts to the floor and resumed reading her book. The truck went zooming by us, but its passenger looked down as it passed. He quickly did a double take! As before, here was this naked brunette—hair flowing in the wind, sunbathing herself while trying to read a book, only this time, her legs spread wide and her neatly trimmed pussy grinning back at him! Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the driver was attempting to crane his neck to see out the passenger window as well. To help him along with his frustration, I let up on the gas, falling back a touch. The more he slowed down, the more I did too, until he finally pulled over in front of me in hopes that I would pass. As another hill was coming up, it was the perfect place!

More Fun on the Road

“Here we go,” I told my wife, and pulled over into the passing lane, pulling up right alongside the truck again—which was doing its best to keep up with us. The driver, almost falling out of his cab window, blew his horn to get a reaction from my wife. She looked up at him and his friend and blew them a kiss! He wasn’t going to let us by this time. The faster I drove, the faster he accelerated as well! My wife, putting the book down, decided to tease the old boys a bit by pulling on her tan nipples and spreading her legs a touch more to reveal her petite clit and soft pink pussy lips. She gently reached down with her left hand and massaged her clit, then inserted her middle finger into her wet, tight tunnel! Making good eye contact with them, she slowly moved her finger in and out of herself while still pulling on her right nipple with the other hand. We could tell that this was driving the guys in the truck wild! I reached over with one hand and played with her left nipple as well! These guys could hardly stand it!

Pulling her manicured finger out of herself, she brought it up to her lips and sensuously licked and sucked off her own juices—being sure never to break eye contact with the gents! I could feel her nipples swell with excitement! She was really getting off on performing for these total strangers! However, the hill was steep and another car was coming up fast behind me, so I passed the truck, moved over in front of him, and then sped off! Once again, the truck's horn blew, startling the car that had been behind us. But they never noticed my wife as they sped by. The other truck still lay ahead and more fun to come!

The Encounter

"Watch this," I grinned. "Their Motorola on fire and that truck ahead is going to hit his brakes!" And, sure enough, at that moment, we both witnessed the second truck hitting its brakes—even though, again, we were going up a steep incline! Once again, I pulled over into the fast lane and sped up on the truck. My wife, now knowing the routine, quickly pulled back on her tube top and shorts and picked up her book. We, slowly, passed the truck. I could see the truck's passenger pulling on the driver's shoulder to look out the window as well—but not being very successful, as the "large" driver took up most of the window. My wife, casually, looked up from her book toward the truck, lightly smiled making eye contact, as anyone might do on the road, and then resumed her reading. The driver's face was red as a beet! Hot as it was outside, this guy was even hotter under the collar! We reached the crest of the hill and once again the truck took off—leaving us in their dust and never looking back!

The Prank

Checking the rear view mirror, I could see the first truck once again speeding up behind us. "I'll give it to these guys, they're persistent; and they know what they saw! I'll bet the second truck driver is really chewing the ass of the first," I laughed. Laughing as well, my wife barely had enough time to strip down again—she was lucky that she was only wearing a tube top and loose jogging shorts. My cock was hard and sticking out the bottom of my jogging shorts! I don't know if it was the prank or watching my wife perform for these guys which made me so hard! Anyway, the truck flew past us; but once again, noticed that she was nude—only now, she was touching herself in an even more provocative way—masturbating fast and furious with one hand while reaching over and stroking my hard cock sticking out of my shorts! The truck quickly cut us off once again and slowed down; forcing us to pass. The two looked down just as I began to squirt my cum all over my wife's hand. In turn, she came herself and bucked like a bronco there in the front seat; burying three fingers into her wet cunt. Her breasts heaved with every breath! She let go of my cock and brought her hand to her mouth; sensuously licking off all my sperm! The truck's horn sounded one long burst and she looked up at the two men and waved. I sped off!

Another Encounter

Coming upon the second truck, once again, it was the same procedure! Clothing back on and a nose in a book like nothing ever happened! The driver's eyes blazed with anger and his passenger didn't even bother trying to look into our car this time. Once again, we crested the hill; but the truck wasn't about to let us get in front of him! Quickly he sped off in the slow lane leaving us quickly behind. Within moments, the first truck passed by; but this time, my wife was dressed and we both happily waved as they sped by.

Arrival in Baker

We laughed all our way down the hill toward the little town of Baker. Even though we had both just cum, we were both still very horny! We couldn't wait to get to our hotel room that night!

20 minutes or so later, we entered the little town. Now, as we often travel on this road from Nevada to California, we tend to visit a small truck stop in town—to "top off our tank" and to pick up an ice cream or get something cold to drink. "How about a milkshake time," my wife asked, while straightening her clothing.

"Sure, why not," I said while rounding the corner that led to the truck stop. However, before pulling in, we noticed something that made us have second thoughts! The two trucks that we had traveled with for so many miles were both parked in the lot—and a large crowd had gathered around them! In the middle of the crowd, the drivers and passengers of both rigs were "fisting it out" with each other!


We decided to forego the milkshake and drive on!

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