National LIst of Kink Aware Professionals

Author: Artemisia

Understanding the Kink Aware Professionals Directory

Purpose and Mission

The Kink Aware Professionals (KAP) Directory serves as a crucial resource for individuals seeking professionals who are knowledgeable and sensitive to diverse expressions of sexuality. The mission is to facilitate access to supportive services that respect personal lifestyle choices.

How to Use the Directory

To utilize the directory effectively:

Disclaimer and Non-Endorsement

It is important to note that KAP does not endorse or recommend any professionals listed. Each professional has volunteered their information and claims sensitivity to kink and nonmonogamy without verification by KAP.

Key Professional Categories in KAP


Psychotherapists play a crucial role in providing mental health support tailored to the needs of the kink community. They offer a safe space for individuals to explore their identities and experiences without judgment. KAP lists hundreds of psychotherapists who are knowledgeable about diverse expressions of sexuality.


Attorneys listed in the KAP directory are well-versed in legal issues that uniquely affect those within the kink community. They provide essential legal guidance and representation, ensuring that their clients' rights and lifestyles are respected and protected.

Medical Professionals

Medical professionals in the KAP directory are crucial for offering non-judgmental health care. They understand the specific health needs of those involved in alternative sexual lifestyles, making them invaluable resources for maintaining physical well-being.

How to Register as a Professional

Registration Steps

To become a part of the Kink Aware Professionals (KAP) directory, start by registering on the official KAP website. Follow the step-by-step guide provided, which includes submitting your professional details and verifying your credentials.

Category Descriptions

Each professional category has specific criteria and descriptions. Ensure you understand the requirements of the category under which you are registering to align your services appropriately.

Worldwide and Internet-Based Providers

Professionals can also register as worldwide or internet-based providers, indicating they offer services remotely. This category is crucial for reaching clients who may not have local access to kink-aware services.

Searching for Kink Aware Professionals

The Kink Aware Professionals Directory

The Kink Aware Professionals Directory offers a comprehensive search feature to help individuals find professionals who are knowledgeable about diverse expressions of sexuality. Users can navigate the directory using specific criteria and filters to narrow down their search results.

Key Points

Contributing to the KAP Community

Submitting a Listing

To contribute to the KAP directory, start by submitting a listing of your professional services. Ensure that your submission includes all necessary details such as your qualifications, areas of expertise, and any specific kink-aware practices you offer. This helps in valuing & prioritising individuals seeking specialized support.

Taking the KAP Survey

Participation in the KAP survey is crucial as it gathers essential data on the needs and experiences of the community. This information aids in enhancing the directory and tailoring services to better meet community needs.

Volunteering Information

Contributing your time and skills can significantly impact the KAP community. Volunteers may help with administrative tasks, outreach programs, or by providing educational resources. Your involvement is vital in fostering a supportive network for kink-aware professionals and those they serve.

Resources and Support for Kink and Nonmonogamy

Sex-Positive Support

Providing a safe and supportive environment for individuals exploring kink and nonmonogamy is crucial. Resources include educational materials, workshops, and seminars that promote a better understanding of such lifestyles.

Navigating Challenges

Challenges such as social stigma, legal issues, and personal conflicts often arise. It's important to have access to resources that offer guidance and support in these areas. Professionals can provide advice tailored to these unique situations.

Community Outreach

Engaging with local and online communities through events and forums helps in spreading awareness and support. This outreach ensures that individuals feel part of a supportive network, enhancing their overall well-being.

History and Evolution of KAP

Origins of KAP

The Kink Aware Professionals (KAP) directory began as a printed list, distributed by mail to meet the needs of the alternative sexuality community. This method was the only viable option before the advent of the internet which later transformed accessibility and distribution.

Management Transition

In January 2006, the original founder, Race Bannon, transferred the management of the KAP directory to the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom. This transition marked a significant milestone in the evolution of KAP, ensuring its continued growth and relevance.

Expansion of Professional Categories

Initially, KAP included a wide range of professional categories. Over time, the focus narrowed to three core professions: psychotherapists, attorneys, and medical professionals. These categories are deemed most critical for addressing the specific needs of kinky people in times of need. The directory now features hundreds of professionals, making it a vital resource for the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Kink Aware Professionals (KAP) Directory?

The KAP Directory is a service provided by the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom to help the community find psychotherapeutic, medical, and legal professionals who are knowledgeable about and sensitive to diverse expressions of sexuality, including kink and polyamory.

How can I use the KAP Directory?

You can search the KAP Directory to find professionals by specialty or location. Each listed professional has stated they are open to clients involved in alternative sexual lifestyles but remember, the listing is not an endorsement by KAP.

Are the professionals listed in KAP verified or endorsed?

No, KAP does not endorse or recommend professionals. Listings are based on professionals volunteering their information and stating their comfort with alternative sexualities. Users should conduct their own due diligence.

How can I register as a professional in the KAP Directory?

Professionals wishing to be listed can register through the KAP website. They need to provide their credentials and specify that they are comfortable working with individuals who engage in kink or polyamorous lifestyles.

Can professionals from outside the USA register in the KAP Directory?

Yes, KAP accepts listings from kink-aware professionals worldwide. Professionals can also indicate if they provide services via the web or phone, making their services accessible to a broader audience.

What should I consider when choosing a professional from the KAP Directory?

Consider the professional's credentials, experience, and comfort with your specific needs. It's important to communicate openly about your expectations and ensure they are a good fit for your lifestyle and goals.

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