Her First

Author: luvnlife

We attended our very first swingers party a few months ago. My love was very excited to go, until we got near the steps to the door, where she left skid marks on the pavement as I dragged her up to the front door. Babbling incoherently about how this was a mistake and she couldn't possibly do this, we made our way into our hosts' home. Inside we were greeted by a fine looking, very personable, large black man and his beautiful, long, lean sexy blond wife. My love, M, relaxed, smiled and I knew we were good.

After a few drinks and chit chat with several couples, one of whom I thought was pretty hot, she grabbed my arm and said the couple she was talking to had a request. The woman, P, who was new to this (as were we) wants to play with M's breasts, which were displayed in luscious fashion by her slinky red dress. Mumbling something dumb to my couple, I followed them to a private room, where I expected a slow, cautious exploration by both women. Not so. M and P stripped down immediately and kissed. I'm now in heaven, hardly able to believe this is really finally happening. In the blink of an eye M slides down P's slim body, stopping to play with her small firm breasts with large taut nipples. Then she dives with great gusto between P's legs and starts licking her shaved pussy. They rolled around on top of each other like neither had had sex for months, hungry for each others' bodies exploring everywhere on each other with fingers and tongues.

The M, on her back, motions for me to take my rock hard cock out of my pants and put it in her, which I do in a nanosecond. As I'm fucking her (and she feels amazingly good!), P faces me and sits on M's face. M strains to push her tongue up into P's wet, shaved pussy, while I fuck M's beautiful, delicate, unbelievably wet, shaved pussy. The P leans forward and I take her breasts in my mouth. And much to my embarrassment, explode inside M, helpless to do otherwise, but I don't care. I'm in heaven, as are M and P. Wow, what a start! And its only gotten better since then.

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