Cigarettes and Art Are Good For You - And Your Friend

Author: ramano

Before I begin my story, I must tell you that this is the first retelling of it that I've written down, so I'm writing it as I recall it and I'll try not to embellish it too much, but you won't believe what happened one Thursday night when a buddy and I went to a wine tasting and an art opening.

A friend of mine told me about this cafe in the arts district of downtown Los Angeles that had wine tastings on Thursday nights which just so happened to coincide with area art galleries that had art openings. We arrived at the cafe, paid our money for the wine tasting, and got to taste six different wines from the winery that was showcasing their product. Now, I should tell you that my friend and I are both named Michael and we are both black guys in our early 40's (although he's probably better looking that I - how should I know...).

By the time we left the cafe we were pretty well lit, since we drank six glasses of wine in about 30 minutes; we showed up a little late for the wine tasting (15 minutes left before the winery packed up). After using the little boys' room, I told Michael that we gotta get a move on, otherwise we were gonna miss my friend's opening, which was two block away, right down the street.

As we started walking down the street, Michael said that he wanted to smoke a cigarette. Not being a cigarette smoker, I told him he could wait until we got to the gallery and I kept walking. He stopped to bum a cig off a woman who was smoking outside the cafe. I turned around and was a little short with him. I said something like, "What are you doing? We gotta go!"

Naturally, he played the wounded puppy, asking me "why can't I just stay here and enjoy a smoke with this lovely lady?" Before I could answer, she piped in, "yeah, what's your rush?"

It was then that I actually looked at her. She was pretty cute, in a librarian kind of way; she had her brown hair pulled back and she wore black-framed eyeglasses.

Me, being well in my cups, became a little beligerent (sp?), which Michael used to his advantage, so much so that our fair lady, who was eventually introduced to me as Dawn, stood up for him. I relented and hung out with them as they finished their smokes.

Turns out that was a good thing. When we were getting ready to go, Michael asked Dawn if she wanted to join us; we were just going two blocks down the street to an art opening and they had free booze. The next thing I know, Dawn is walking down the street between both of us, and we're chit-chatting about this and that.

Once we get to the gallery, Michael wants another cig and suggests that Dawn and I go inside to get drinks. I give him a sideways look, but take her inside. She's chatting with me as I make us drinks and I make sure to make hers a double and go light on both of ours, since we'd been drinking for a while.

The art was okay, I introduced both of them to some of my friends and at some point, we all decide to leave. At first I thought perhaps we'd go back to the cafe for more drinks or, if we were lucky, back to her place, since she lived downtown.

She suggested we go to my place and hang out. Michael and I looked at each other and didn't argue. We came back to my place and the next thing I know they were in my bedroom.

Now, since I know my boy, I didn't trip on this. We just met her and if she wanted to hang with him and then hang with me later, that was fine with me. The next thing I know, she comes out of the bedroom and says "you know, I feel a little uncomfortable leaving you out here by yourself." Okay then.

Dawn was beautiful. She was 5'7", probably 110 pounds, with brown hair and tiny freckles. She had no problem disrobing and her body was NOT the body of a typical librarian. We told her that we loved her glasses, but she said they made her self-conscious and then she took them off and put them away. Her breasts were natural and her areolas were about the size of silver dollars. She smiled as she said that she'd never been with two guys before, let alone two black guys. Add to that, two black guys who were friends and both named Michael.

Her appetite for cock was unbelievable. She sucked Michael's for easily 30 mintues or so while I attempted to go down on her. She was having none of it; she didn't like receiving oral, she said. I massaged her while she worked my man into a frenzy and after he blew his load, she wiped it all over her chest, turned to me and said, "you're next."

I thought I was going to die. She went down on me and was relentless. While she was giving me the business I told Michael that I had a dildo in the drawer. He got it, took it to the bathroom, washed it in warm water and came back and proceeded to work her from the business end. This, she didn't mind. I've never seen anything like it. She didn't like receiving oral, but a long piece of rubber - - no problem.

My boy Mike was a master. I've always believed that the most important sex organ is your brain, and he was talking to her and giving her so much encouragment that I could feel the effects in real time, if you know what I mean. She finally said, "that's it, I have to have a real one in me, now!"

She raised up and climbed on top of me before I could say or do anything. She sank onto me, slowly at first, but made sure that she took all 8" of me into her. Once she got into a rhythm, she reached over for Mikel and guided his dick into her mouth. At that point, we were all in heaven.

Some time later, I got up to switch places with Mike but took a little detour to the boy's room. When I re-entered the room, he was giving her the business and she was really into it. I happened to remeber that I had a poloroid camera laying around, so I got it and casually announced, "I'll be taking some poloroid pictures now," thinking that there's no way she's gonna let me take pictures. In between moans, she looked at me at said, "okay."

Was I dreaming this? A woman we met on the way to an art opening? Hell, no, I wasn't dreaming! Mike, just to be the smara$$ he is, said "yea, okay but don't get my face in any." I took about six or seven and then Dawn said she needed to have two cocks, because she'd never done this before and if she was gonna do it, then she should really do it.

The evening went on like that for about three more hours, until Michael realized that he had to get home so he could change to go to work (this started on a Thursday evening, remember?).

Poor me. Dawn and I had to soldier on for a few more hours without him. My friend Mike is definitely the man. He talked her into trusting two strange men to give her the fantasy of her life and I, for one, am grateful.

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