Public transit humping.

Author: emsi1979

Several years ago, my then-girlfriend and I decided to indulge in a classic date night—dinner followed by a movie. As the evening wound down, we caught the late bus home. The vehicle was nearly empty, with only a few passengers seated near the front, which left us alone at the back.

An Adventurous Proposal

The night was quiet, the bus dimly lit and humming softly as it traveled through the sleeping city. It was the perfect combination of privacy and public setting that heightened our adventurous spirits. My girlfriend, wearing a skirt that evening, whispered a daring proposal. Driven by our shared excitement, we seized the moment for an intimate escapade.

A Thrilling Encounter

In the secluded back left corner of the bus, where the driver's attention was fixed on the road, she positioned herself on my lap. The thrill of potential discovery added an electric tension to the air. We shared a passionate, albeit brief, connection, moving together in a silent, fervent rhythm.

An Abrupt Conclusion

However, our risqué adventure was cut short. Just as we were deeply immersed in our act, new passengers boarded, prompting us to quickly compose ourselves. Although I didn't reach climax due to the interruption, the sheer exhilaration of the experience lingered, igniting a rush of arousal whenever I recall that daring night on the bus.

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